maedmax: Maximal Ordered Completion


maedmax is a tool for (ordered) completion and equational theorem proving.
It is based on maximal ordered completion. This new approach extends the maxSMT-based method for standard completion developed by Klein and Hirokawa (2011) to ordered completion and theorem proving. MædMax focuses on satisfiability, incorporating powerful ground completeness checks. Proofs can be output in a format that is certifiable by the Isabelle-based certifier CeTA. It also provides an order generation mode which can be used to synthesize term orderings for other tools.

A system description submitted to IJCAR 2018 can be found here.


The tool can be used via its web interface or as a command line tool. In the latter case, with default options (as used in the experiments) maedmax is simply invoked by providing an input file, for example:
$ ./maedmax examples/RNG042-2.tptp
The input file may be in TPTP or trs format. Here are an example TPTP and an example trs input.


You may want to download the sources from github or the following binaries (64-bit):


Comparison of maedmax with other tools on different data sets:
Experiments evaluating particular features of maedmax:
Experiments evaluating order generation mode on E:


maedmax allows for a variety of options, in case you want to control the search strategy or obtain a particular output format. Example calls include the following:

In case you want to dive into the gory details, please find here an explanation of all available options.