Best Case Runtime Complexity
- ARA'19 Best Case:
Amortised Analysis for Bestcase Lowerbounds.
TcT 3.0 Runtime Complexity
- ARA'18 FLOPS Journal:
First Automated Amortised Resource Analysis (ARA) for Term Rewrite Systems. - ARA'17 FLOPS:
First Automated Amortised Resource Analysis for Term Rewrite Systems. - ARA April '17 (Old Results):
First Automated Amortised Resource Analysis for Term Rewrite Systems.
TcT 2.0 Runtime Complexity
The following tests illustrates the application of TcT for runtime complexity analysis.- RaML:
Here we use a straight forward translations of Resource aware ML programs to TRSs. - Runtime Complexity Analysis:
Here we use a selected set of rewrite systems interesting for runtime and innermost runtime complexity analysis.
Conference Papers and Journal Articles
Experimental evidence used in the paper Automated Runtime-comlexity Analysis Based on Context-sensitive Rewriting - ICC'13:
Experimental evidence used in our ICC paper on small polynomial path orders. - WST'13:
Experimental evidence used in our WST'13 paper Polynomial Path Orders and Dependency Pairs - APLAS'12:
Experimental evidence used in our APLAS'12 paper New Order-theoretic Characterisation of the Polytime Computable Functions - LMCS'12:
Experimental evidence used in our LMCS submission Polynomial Path Orders: A Maximal Model - WST'12:
Experimental evidence used in our WST'12 paper On a Correspondence between Predicative Recursion and Register Machines - IC'11:
Experimental evidence used in the IC'11 submission Automated Complexity Analysis Based on the Dependency Pair Method - RTA'11:
Experimental evidence used in our RTA'11 paper A Path Order for Rewrite Systems that Compute Exponential Time Functions