General information
There will be 13 homework sheets and one written exam on 30 June 2024 (same time and room as the lecture). There will be no repeat exam. Lecture attendance is mandatory. Up to two absences without valid excuse are tolerated; if you have more than that, you fail the course.
Each homework sheet allows you to earn up to 10 points (plus, potentially, bonus points for special bonus exercises). Homework must be uploaded to OLAT before the deadline (Friday, 08:00) and you must be prepared to present any homework you submit (with the opportunity to earn presentation points, which can only improve your final mark).
Scores and Grading Table
Your overall mark is computed based on four scores:
- T, the percentage of points you achieved in the written exam (0 ≤ T ≤ 100)
- H, the percentage of points you achieved in the homework (0 ≤ H ≤ 100)
- S = max(0.75H + 0.45T, 0.3H + 0.9T)
- P, the points you got for presenting your homework. (0–3 points per presentation, the best 3 are counted, i.e. 0 ≤ P ≤ 9)
- B, the number of bonus points you collected. How many bonus exercises there will be and how many points they give is yet to be determined.
You pass the course if S ≥ 50. If you do pass, your mark is determined by the value of S + P + B as follows:
S + P + B | [88,∞) | [75,88) | [63,75) | [50,63) |
Grade | Sehr Gut (1) | Gut (2) | Befriedigend (3) | Genügend (4) |