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Gödelscher Unvollständigkeitssatz


VO2  WS 2011/2012  703919


First exam has been corrected and the marks are available via LFU online.
problem sets
In order to avoid the apparent confusion caused by the unintuitive placement of the problem sets on the schedule page, the latter has been overhauled, see here.
lecture on Oct 27 cancelled
Due to a workshop on the STRUCTURAL project that is held from October 26 - 28 the lecture on October 27 will be postponed to next week. I suggest to have the extra slot on November 3 at 16:15. Please correspond other options by email.
First homework assignment is online, see here.
SR 12 is not available at the new time, hence we move into SR 13, see here.
To avoid an unfortunate overlap with other lectures, the time has been changed, see here. From October 13 the lecture will start at 12:15 in SR12
The homepage has been restructured and extend in its content.