Functional Programming

bachelor program

VO2 + PS1  WS 2014/2015  703024 + 703025


room consultation hours
VO Cezary Kaliszyk 3M12 Wednesday11:15 – 12:45

Time & Place

VO Friday08:15 – 10:00 HS D Cezary Kaliszyk
PSgroup 1 Friday10:15 – 11:00 HS 10 Cezary Kaliszyk
group 2 Friday10:15 – 11:00 HS 11 Yann Savoye
group 3 Friday11:15 – 12:00 HS 11 Yann Savoye

The lecture (VO) starts on Friday October 3rd, the exercises (PS) on Friday October 10th.


It is required to register for the lecture (VO).

It is required to register for the exercises (PS). Do not register for a group that reached the maximum number of allowed participants (unless you have good reasons).


Lecture (VO)

The final grade is determined by an exam (written and closed book).

Registration is compulsory. Dates are announced here.

Exercises (PS)

The final grade is determined by the number of solved exercises (both weekly exercises and a bigger one) and the performance in front of the blackboard.


The lecture (VO) and the exercises (PS) groups are taught in English. Course material (slides, lecture notes, etc.) is in English since it is the de facto standard language in computer science.