The 1st exam will be conducted online or in SR 13.
For the online participation, the following equipment is required:
- webcam
- scanner or camera or smartphone
- printer
If you intend to write in SR 13, please write a mail to R. Thiemann.
The procedure is as follows:
- there will be a virtuall class-room for the exam in OLAT (VO)
- every participant has to turn on his or her camera during the exam
- the camera view must show yourself and your desk, in particular it
must be visible that no other material than the exam and some pens and perhaps spare blank sheets are on the desk
- it is not allowed to use the computer during the exam, except for entering questions into the chat
- at the start of the exam, we will make the PDF of the exam available, which you should print and
take with you to your desk
- once all participants are at their desks, the time will start and you can start to solve it
- everyone waits at the desk until the time is over
- at that point, everyone starts to digitalize the solved exam and uploads it into OLAT
- if there are connection losses, try to immediately reconnect and inform us via email