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Discrete Structures

bachelor program

VO1 + PS1  WS 2021/2022  703069 + 703070


room consultation hours
VO + PS Cezary Kaliszyk 3M12 Wednesday11:15 – 12:45
PS Manuel Eberl by arrangement
PS Jan Jakubuv by arrangement
PS Jamie Hochrainer by arrangement


PS Wednesday08:15 – 09:00 Group 1, HS 10 (English) Cezary Kaliszyk
Wednesday12:15 – 13:00 Group 2, HS G (German) Jamie Hochrainer
Wednesday13:15 – 14:00 Group 3, HS 10 (German) Manuel Eberl
Wednesday13:15 – 14:00 Group 4, HSB 4 (English) Jan Jakubuv
Wednesday15:15 – 16:00 Group 5, HSB 7 (German) Manuel Eberl
VO Tuesday10:15 – 12:00 HSB 1 / HS B / Virtual (see below!) Cezary Kaliszyk

Start of lectures on Tuesday October 5th. Start of the proseminars on Wednesday October 13th. For the first 5 weeks, only half of you can attend in person, in HSB 1, while the rest needs to attend virtually - please follow your registrations. After this, we got the largest lecture room and all can attend in person. Please register online.

Lecture and proseminar grades

Exam for the lecture

The 1st exam (for the lecture) takes place in the last week of the semester Tuesday, February 1. The 2nd exam takes place in the last week of the winter break. The 3rd exam takes place in the last week of the summer break (a week before the new semester starts).

Algorithm for computing proseminar grades

The grade for the proseminar will be based on the following two factors

Every PS there will be 3 exercises (and potentially some bonus exercises) to be handed in (in OLAT) before midnight (CET) before the PS. As long as the PS is physical, you do not need to hand in the solutions, but bring them with you to the PS. Your grade will be determined by the best 10 (out of the scheduled 12) exercise sheets. To pass the PS (grade not 5) at least 50% of the exercises should have been handed in (the denominator for calculating the percentage is 10 times 3, i.e. 30, so you need at least 15 exercises on your best 10 sheets). Since participation is mandatory, you cannot be absent from the PSs more than twice without excuse (excuses are to be given before the start of the corresponding PS, so that the PS instructor can take appropriate action).

Grade key

GradeSehr Gut (1)Gut (2)Befriedigend (3)GenĂ¼gend (4)Nicht GenĂ¼gend (5)