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Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten


PS2  WS 2023/2024  703032


Woche Datum Folien Bemerkungen
1 02.10. Introduction and Organization
2 09.10. Scientific Literature
3 16.10. Text Analysis
4 23.10. Quotes and Citations
5 30.10. Topic Analysis and work Structure
6 06.11. Typesetting introduction
7 13.11. Math typesetting
8 20.11. Fonts and graphs
9 27.11. Review System
10 11.12. How to Review
11 08.01. How to Present Papers Due!
12 15.01 Individual feedback on slides Slides Due!
13 22.01. Presentations and Discussion of Reviews Reviews and Presentations Due!
14 29.01. Scientific Tools