Curriculum Vitae of Martin Avanzini
Research Interests
- Functional programming
- Rewriting
- Static program analysis
- Complexity analysis
- Implicit computational complexity
Higher Education
- PhD Degree in Computer Science. 2013
Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Thesis Verifying Polytime Computability Automatically, supervised by Georg Moser. - Master’s Degree in Computer Science. 2009
Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Master Thesis Automation of Polynomial Path Orders, supervised by Georg Moser. - Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. 2007
Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Bachelor Thesis Termination Analysis for Scheme using S-Expression Rewrite Systems, supervised by Nao Hirokawa and Scheme Programs with Polynomially Bounded Evaluation Length supervised by Georg Moser. - Diploma Höhere Technische Lehranstalt. 2001
Civil Engineering, Htl Trenkwalderstraße, Innsbruck, Austria.
Proposed for the Heinz Zemanek Price. October, 2016
The Heinz Zemanek price is awarded every 3 years by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) to young researchers for outstanding PhD dissertations. I was nominated by the University of Innsbruck for this price, and also passed the final selection (8 persons) from the OCG.Kurt Gödel Medal. August, 2014
Our Tyrolean Complexity tool was distinguished with the prestigious Kurt Gödel Medal as best tool for the complexity analysis of term rewrite systems at the FLoC Olympic Games, held during the Vienna Summer of Logic.European Summer School in Logics, Languages and Computation. August, 2008
My work received second place in Springer best paper awards.
Scholarships and Projects
Principle investigator. April, 2014 – May, 2017
Higher-Order Complexity Analysis of Rewrite Systems.
FWF Schrödinger Fellowship (project number J-3563). University of Bologna / University of Innsbruck.Project member. June, 2015 – June, 2016
Concurrent, Resourceful and Effectful COmputation, by Geometry of Interaction.
Multilateral research project with members from France, Italy and Japan. University of Bologna / INRIA Sophia-Antipolis.Research assistant. December, 2013 – March, 2014
Improving Certifiers for Termination Proofs.
FWF standalone project (project number P22767). University of Innsbruck.Research assistant. November, 2012 – May, 2013
Structural and Computational Proof Theory.
Bilateral research project between ANR and FWF (project number I608-N18). University of Innsbruck.Principal investigator. November, 2011 – October, 2012
Automated Complexity Analysis.
Doctoral fellowship (project number NWF-2011/2/Mip7). University of Innsbruck.Research assistant. October, 2008 – August, 2011
Derivational Complexity Analysis.
FWF standalone project (project number P20133). University of Innsbruck.
Scientific Activities
- Organiser. 2017
9th Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational Complexity, Thessaloniki, Greece. - PC member. 2017
17th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity, Reykjavik, Island. - PC member. 2014
5th Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational Complexity, Grenoble, France. - Invited speaker. 2013
15th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity, Torino, Italy. - Invited speaker. 2013
3rd Workshop on Proof Theory and Rewriting, Kanazawa, Japan.
Software Development
The following gives a short list of most important software projects that I was involved in. If not mentioned otherwise, I am (among) the main developer(s). Details can be found at my software page.
IsaFoR/CeTA: A formally verified tool for checking termination, confluence and complexity proofs. I have contributed the formalisation of dependency tuples.
GUBS: A constraint solver for polynomial inequalities.
Higher Order Complexity Analysis (HOCA): Frontend for analysing the runtime complexity of OCaml programs through first-order tools.
Higher Order Sized-Type Analysis (HOSA): Complexity analyser of higher-order programs through sized-type analysis and program instrumentation.
Implicit Computational Complexity Tool (ICCT): Analyses the complexity of functions defined through rewrite systems.
Tyrolean Complexity Tool (TCT): Full-fledged runtime complexity analyser.