TcT - A Complexity Analyser
TcT3 is the latest version of our fully automated complexity analyser. TcT implements a framework for automated complexity analysis and supports various formal systems and programming languages.It is developed by members of the Computation with Bounded Resources research group. The latest version is a reimplementation of the complexity framework that focuses on extensibility and automation. TcT is open with respect to the complexity problem under investigation and problem specific techniques. Moreover it provides an expressive problem independent strategy language that facilitates the proof search.
TcT version 3.3 released
Compatibility release for recent ghc version (ghc-8.6.5).
Automated Amortized Resource Analysis for Term Rewrite Systems
TcT now supports amortized resource analysis of term rewrite systems (currently only avaialable at the development branch).
TcT version 3.0 released
TcT version 3.0 was released. It is a complete reimplementation of
version 2.0.1, which is open to arbitrary complexity problems and
allows seamless integration of 3rd party solvers.
TcT won a Kurt Gödel medal
In 2014, the first "FLoC Olympic Games" have been
conducted during the Vienna Summer of Logic. During the games, several
automatic tools competed in 14 different competitions about
complexity, determinacy, satisfiablity, termination, etc. TcT competed
in the termination competition and won the prize for the most powerful
tool in complexity analysis of term rewrite systems.
TcT version 2.0.1 released
TcT version 2.0.1 has
been released.
This minor release comes with updated documentation, minor bugfixes,
and a more consistent naming of techniques
in Tct.Instances.
TcT is currently under development by Martin Avanzini, Georg Moser and Michael Schaper.Former developers: Andreas Schnabl, Andreas Kochesser, Maria Schett and Manuel Schneckenreither.