tct-2.0.1: A Complexity Analyser for Term Rewrite Systems

MaintainerMartin Avanzini <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




This module reexports direct constructors for processor instances of TcT. For description of the corresponding processor, please see module Tct.Processors. In addition, this module also exports a wealth of combinators.

Instances are separated into instances of standard processors and instances of transformations for historical reasons. Whereas standard processors either suceed or fail, transformations construct from a given input problem several subproblems that reflect the complexity of the input problem.


Standard Processors

This section collects combinators concerning standard processors, toghether with combinators on standard processors.

Trivial Processors

success :: ProcessorInstance Success

This processor always returns the answer Yes(?,?).

fail :: ProcessorInstance Fail

This processor always returns the answer No.

open :: ProcessorInstance Open

This processor always returns the answer Maybe.

empty :: ProcessorInstance EmptyRules

This processor returns the answer Yes(O(1),(1)) if the strict component is empty.

Processors Based on Interpretations

Matrix Interpretations

TcT implements both matrix interpretations over natural numbers and arctic matrix interpretations.

arctic :: ProcessorInstance ArcticMI

This processor implements arctic interpretations.

matrix :: ProcessorInstance NaturalMI

This processor implements matrix interpretations.

Further customisation of these processors is possible as described in Tct.Instances

Polynomial Interpretations

TcT implements polynomial interpretations over natural numbers. Again these can be customised as described Tct.Instances

simplePolynomial :: ProcessorInstance NaturalPI

Options for simple polynomial interpretations.

linearPolynomial :: ProcessorInstance NaturalPI

Options for linear polynomial interpretations.

stronglyLinearPolynomial :: ProcessorInstance NaturalPI

Options for strongly linear polynomial interpretations.

simpleMixedPolynomial :: ProcessorInstance NaturalPI

Options for simple mixed polynomial interpretations.

quadraticPolynomial :: ProcessorInstance NaturalPI

Options for quadratic mixed polynomial interpretations.

Custom Polynomial Shapes

customPolynomial :: ([Variable] -> [SimpleMonomial]) -> ProcessorInstance NaturalPI

Option for polynomials of custom shape, as defined by the first argument. This function receives a list of variables denoting the n arguments of the interpretation function. The return value of type [SimpleMonomial] corresponds to the list of monomials of the constructed interpretation function. A polynomial is a list of unique SimpleMonomial, where SimpleMonomial are considered equal if the set variables together with powers match. SimpleMonomial can be build using ^^^, constant and mono. For instance, linear interpretations are constructed using the function vs -> [constant] ++ [ v^^^1 | v <- vs] .

data SimpleMonomial

A SimpleMonomial denotes a monomial with variables in Variable, and can be build using ^^^, constant and mono.


(^^^) :: a -> Int -> Power a

v ^^^ k denotes exponentiation of variable v with constant k.

mono :: [Power Variable] -> SimpleMonomial

mono [v1^^^k1,...,vn^^^kn] constructs the SimpleMonomial c * v1^k1 * ... * v1^kn where c is unique for the constructed monomial.

boolCoefficient :: SimpleMonomial -> SimpleMonomial

Returns a new monomial whose coefficient is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.

constant :: SimpleMonomial

Returns a new monomial without variables.

Customising Interpretations

The following classes allow the costumisation of interpretation techniques implemented in TcT, cf., arctic, matrix and polys that construct various processors based on sensible defaults. To exemplify the usage,

 matrix `withDimension` 3 `withCertBy` Automaton

defines an matrix interpretation of dimension 3, whose complexity certificate is inferred using automaton techniques.

class HasDimension a where


withDimension :: a -> Int -> a

Modify dimesion of method.

class HasCertBy a where


withCertBy :: a -> NaturalMIKind -> a

Defines under which method a certificate should be obtained

data NaturalMIKind

This parameter defines the shape of the matrix interpretations, and how the induced complexity is computed.



Count number of ones in diagonal to compute induced complexity function.


Use automaton-techniques to compute induced complexity function.


Use triangular matrices only.


Put no further restrictions on the interpretation.

class HasDegree a where


withDegree :: a -> Maybe Int -> a

Specifies an upper bound on the estimated degree, or ounbounded degree if given Nothing.

class HasBits a where


withBits :: a -> Int -> a

Specifies the number of bits for coefficients.

class HasCBits a where


withCBits :: a -> Maybe Int -> a

Specifies an upper bound on intermediate coefficients, when constructing the interpretation, or unbouneded coefficients if given Nothing

class HasUsableArgs a where


withUsableArgs :: a -> Bool -> a

Specifies that the usable arguments criterion should be employed to weaken monotonicity requirements.

class HasUsableRules a where


withUsableRules :: a -> Bool -> a

Specifies that the usable rules modulo interpretation criterion should be considered.

class HasKind a k | a -> k where


ofKind :: a -> k -> a

Specify the kind of the interpretation.

Processors Based on Recursive Path Orderings

popstar :: ProcessorInstance PopStar

This processor implements polynomial path orders.

popstarPS :: ProcessorInstance PopStar

This processor implements polynomial path orders with parameter substitution.

lmpo :: ProcessorInstance PopStar

This processor implements lightweight multiset path orders.

spopstar :: ProcessorInstance PopStar

This processor implements small polynomial path orders (polynomial path orders with product extension and weak safe composition) which allow to determine the degree of the obtained polynomial certificate.

spopstarPS :: ProcessorInstance PopStar

This processor is like popstarSmall but incorporates parameter substitution addidionally.

mpo :: InstanceOf (StdProcessor Mpo)

This processor implements multiset path orders.

Bounds Processor

bounds :: InitialAutomaton -> Enrichment -> ProcessorInstance Bounds

This processor implements the bounds technique.

data Enrichment

This datatype represents the enrichment employed.








data InitialAutomaton

This datatype represents the initial automaton employed.



Employ a minimal set of states, separating constructors from defined symbols in the case of runtime complexity analysis.


Employ a state per function symbol. Slower, but more precise compared to Minimal.

Control Structures

ite :: (Processor g, Processor t, Processor e) => InstanceOf g -> InstanceOf t -> InstanceOf e -> ProcessorInstance (Ite g t e)

ite g t e applies processor t if processor g succeeds, otherwise processor e is applied.

step :: (Transformer t1, Processor a) => [t] -> (t -> TheTransformer t1) -> (t -> InstanceOf a) -> InstanceOf SomeProcessor

step [l..u] trans proc successively applies the transformations [trans l..trans u] , additionally checking after each application of trans i whether proc i can solve the problem. More precise step [l..] trans proc == proc l `before` (trans l >>| (proc l `before` (trans l >>| ...))) . The resulting processor can be infinite.

upto :: (Enum n, Ord n, ComplexityProof (ProofOf p), Processor p) => (n -> InstanceOf p) -> (Bool :+: (n :+: n)) -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf p)

upto mkproc (b :+: l :+: u) == f [ mkproc i | i <- [l..u]] where f == fastest if b == True and f == sequentially otherwise.

named :: Processor proc => String -> InstanceOf proc -> InstanceOf SomeProcessor

'named name proc' acts like proc, but displays itself under the name name in proof outputs

bsearch :: Processor proc => String -> (Maybe Int -> InstanceOf proc) -> InstanceOf (Custom Unit (ProofOf proc))

Combinators Guiding the Proof Search

before :: (Processor a, Processor b) => InstanceOf a -> InstanceOf b -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf SomeProcessor)

The processor p1 before p2 first applies processor p1, and if that fails processor p2.

orBetter :: (Processor a, Processor b) => InstanceOf a -> InstanceOf b -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf SomeProcessor)

The processor p1 orBetter p2 applies processor p1 and p2 in parallel. Returns the proof that gives the better certificate.

orFaster :: (Processor a, Processor b) => InstanceOf a -> InstanceOf b -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf SomeProcessor)

The processor p1 orFaster p2 applies processor p1 and p2 in parallel. Returns the proof of that processor that finishes fastest.

The following three processors provide list versions of before, orBetter and orFaster respectively. Note that the type of all given processors need to agree. To mix processors of different type, use some on the individual arguments.

sequentially :: Processor p => [InstanceOf p] -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf p)

List version of before.

best :: Processor p => [InstanceOf p] -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf p)

List version of orBetter. Note that the type of all given processors need to agree. To mix processors of different type, use some on the individual arguments.

fastest :: Processor p => [InstanceOf p] -> ProcessorInstance (OneOf p)

List version of orFaster. Note that the type of all given processors need to agree. To mix processors of different type, use some on the individual arguments.


The following predicates return either the answer Yes(?,?) or No.

data WhichTrs

Determines which components of a problem should be checked.



Check predicate on strict components.


Check predicate on weak components.


Check predicate on weak and strict components.


Check predicate on the union of strict and strict components.


This section list all instances of Transformation. A transformation t is lifted to a Processor using the combinator >>| or >>||.

Lifting Transformations to Processors

(>>|) :: (Processor sub, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf sub -> TransformationInstance t sub

The processor t >>| p first applies the transformation t. If this succeeds, the processor p is applied on the resulting subproblems. Otherwise t >>| p fails.

(>>!) :: (Processor b, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf b -> InstanceOf SomeProcessor

Similar to >>| but checks if strict rules are empty

(>>||) :: (Processor sub, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf sub -> TransformationInstance t sub

Like >>| but resulting subproblems are solved in parallel by the given processor.

(>>!!) :: (Processor b, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf b -> InstanceOf SomeProcessor

Similar to >>|| but checks if strict rules are empty


Innermost Rule Removal

irr :: TheTransformer InnermostRuleRemoval

On innermost problems, this processor removes inapplicable rules by looking at non-root overlaps.

To Innermost Transformation


uncurry :: TheTransformer Uncurry

Uncurrying for full and innermost rewriting. Note that this processor fails on dependency pair problems.

Weightgap Principle

weightgap :: TheTransformer WeightGap

This processor implements the weightgap principle.

data WgOn



Orient at least all non-DP rules.


Orient some rule.


decompose :: Processor p1 => ExpressionSelector -> DecomposeBound -> InstanceOf p1 -> TheTransformer (Decompose p1)

This transformation implements techniques for splitting the complexity problem into two complexity problems (R) and (S) so that the complexity of the input problem can be estimated by the complexity of the transformed problem. The processor closely follows the ideas presented in Complexity Bounds From Relative Termination Proofs (

decomposeBy :: ExpressionSelector -> TheTransformer (Decompose AnyProcessor)

same as decompose with DecomposeBound Add, but the transformation results in two sub-problems, instead of applying a given processor on the selected sub-problem

decomposeAnyWith :: Processor p1 => InstanceOf p1 -> TheTransformer (Decompose p1)

decomposeAnyWith == decompose (selAnyOf selStricts) Add.

decomposeIndependent :: TheTransformer SomeTransformation

Using the decomposition processor (c.f. decomposeBy) this transformation decomposes dependency pairs into two independent sets, in the sense that these DPs constitute unconnected sub-graphs of the dependency graph. Applies cleanSuffix on the resulting sub-problems, if applicable.

decomposeIndependentSG :: TheTransformer SomeTransformation

Similar to decomposeIndependent, but in the computation of the independent sets, dependency pairs above cycles in the dependency graph are not taken into account.

data DecomposeBound



obtain bound by addition


obtain bound by multiplication


obtain bound by composition

Weak Dependency Pairs and Dependency Tuples

dependencyPairs :: TheTransformer DPs

Implements dependency pair transformation. Only applicable on runtime-complexity problems.

dependencyTuples :: TheTransformer DPs

Implements dependency tuples transformation. Only applicable on innermost runtime-complexity problems.

data Approximation



EDG* approximation


Fully connected graph


Generalised EDG*

Path analysis

linearPathAnalysis :: TheTransformer PathAnalysis

Variation of pathAnalysis that generates only a linear number of sub-problems, in the size of the dependency graph

Usable Rules

Predecessor Estimation

simpPE :: TheTransformer (SimpPE AnyProcessor)

Moves a strict dependency into the weak component if all predecessors in the dependency graph are strict and there is no edge from the rule to itself.

Dependency Graph Decomposition

decomposeDG :: TheTransformer (DecomposeDG AnyProcessor AnyProcessor)

This processor implements processor 'dependency graph decomposition'. It tries to estimate the complexity of the input problem based on the complexity of dependency pairs of upper congruence classes (with respect to the congruence graph) relative to the dependency pairs in the remaining lower congruence classes. The overall upper bound for the complexity of the input problem is estimated by multiplication of upper bounds of the sub problems. Note that the processor allows the optional specification of processors that are applied on the two individual subproblems. The transformation results into the systems which could not be oriented by those processors.

solveUpperWith :: (Processor p1, Processor p2, Processor p) => TheTransformer (DecomposeDG p1 p2) -> InstanceOf p -> TheTransformer (DecomposeDG p1 p)

Specify a processor to solve the upper component immediately. The Transformation aborts if the problem cannot be handled.

solveLowerWith :: (Processor p1, Processor p2, Processor p) => TheTransformer (DecomposeDG p1 p2) -> InstanceOf p -> TheTransformer (DecomposeDG p p2)

Specify a processor to solve the lower immediately. The Transformation aborts if the problem cannot be handled.

selectLowerBy :: (Processor p1, Processor p2) => TheTransformer (DecomposeDG p1 p2) -> RuleSelector SelectorExpression -> TheTransformer (DecomposeDG p1 p2)

Specify how the lower component should be selected.

DP Simplifications

removeWeakSuffix :: TheTransformer RemoveWeakSuffix

Removes trailing weak paths. A dependency pair is on a trailing weak path if it is from the weak components and all sucessors in the dependency graph are on trailing weak paths.

Only applicable on DP-problems as obtained by dependencyPairs or dependencyTuples. Also not applicable when strictTrs prob = Trs.empty.

removeHeads :: TheTransformer RemoveHead

Removes unnecessary roots from the dependency graph.

trivial :: TheTransformer Trivial

Checks whether the DP problem is trivial, i.e., does not contain any cycles.

Only applicable on DP-problems as obtained by dependencyPairs or dependencyTuples. Also not applicable when strictTrs prob = Trs.empty.

removeInapplicable :: TheTransformer RemoveInapplicable

Removes inapplicable rules in DP deriviations.

Currently we check whether the left-hand side is non-basic, and there exists no incoming edge except from the same rule.

simpDPRHS :: TheTransformer SimpRHS

Simplifies right-hand sides of dependency pairs. Removes r_i from right-hand side c_n(r_1,...,r_n) if no instance of r_i can be rewritten.

Only applicable on DP-problems as obtained by dependencyPairs or dependencyTuples. Also not applicable when strictTrs prob = Trs.empty.


Following Combinators work on transformations.

try :: Transformer t => TheTransformer t -> TheTransformer (Try t)

The transformer try t behaves like t but succeeds even if t fails. When t fails the input problem is returned.

force :: Transformer t => TheTransformer t -> TheTransformer (Try t)

The transformer force t behaves like t but fails always whenever no progress is achieved.

(>>>) :: (Transformer t1, Transformer t2) => TheTransformer t1 -> TheTransformer t2 -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

The transformer t1 >>> t2 first transforms using t1, resulting subproblems are transformed using t2.

(<>) :: (Transformer t1, Transformer t2) => TheTransformer t1 -> TheTransformer t2 -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

The transformer t1 <> t2 transforms the input using t1 if successfull, otherwise t2 is applied.

(<||>) :: (Transformer t1, Transformer t2) => TheTransformer t1 -> TheTransformer t2 -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

The transformer t1 <||> t2 applies the transformations t1 and t2 in parallel, using the result of whichever transformation succeeds first.

exhaustively :: Transformer t => TheTransformer t -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

The transformer exhaustively t applies t repeatedly until t fails. exhaustively t == t >>> try (exhaustively t).

te :: Transformer t => TheTransformer t -> TheTransformer (Try SomeTransformation)

Shorthand for 'try . exhaustively'

successive :: Transformer t => [TheTransformer t] -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

List version of >>>.

 successive [t_1..t_n] == t_1 >>> .. >>> t_n

when :: EQuantified inp (TheTransformer SomeTransformation) => Bool -> inp -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

Transformation 'when b t' applies t only when b holds

idtrans :: TheTransformer Id

Identity transformation.


toDP :: TheTransformer SomeTransformation

Tries dependency pairs for RC, and dependency pairs with weightgap, otherwise uses dependency tuples for IRC. Simpifies the resulting DP problem as much as possible.

dpsimps :: TheTransformer SomeTransformation

Fast simplifications based on dependency graph analysis.

removeLeaf :: Processor p => InstanceOf p -> TheTransformer SomeTransformation

tries to remove leafs in the congruence graph, by (i) orienting using predecessor extimation and the given processor, and (ii) using removeWeakSuffix and various sensible further simplifications. Fails only if (i) fails.

cleanSuffix :: TheTransformer SomeTransformation

use simpPEOn and removeWeakSuffix to remove leafs from the dependency graph. If successful, right-hand sides of dependency pairs are simplified (simpDPRHS) and usable rules are re-computed (usableRules).

Inspecting Combinators

class TimesOut inp outp | inp -> outp where


timeout :: Int -> inp -> outp

Lifts a processor or transformation to one that times out after given number of seconds

class Timed inp outp | inp -> outp where


timed :: inp -> outp

Additionally present timing information


class WithProblem inp outp | inp -> outp where


withProblem :: (Problem -> inp) -> outp


withWDG :: WithProblem inp outp => (DG -> inp) -> outp

withCWDG :: WithProblem inp outp => (CDG -> inp) -> outp

withStrategy :: WithProblem inp outp => (Strategy -> inp) -> outp

Competition Strategies

Runtime complexity strategy employed in the competition 2011.

Derivational complexity strategy employed in the competition 2011.

Runtime complexity strategy employed in the competition 2012.

Derivational complexity strategy employed in the competition 2012.

Strategy for certification employed in the competition 2012.


Type Exports

class EQuantified inp outp | inp -> outp where

This class establishes a mapping between types and their existential quantified counterparts.


equantify :: inp -> outp

some :: EQuantified inp outp => inp -> outp

Wrap an object by existential quantification.