The Introduction to Scientific Work Proseminar (group 1)
- The proseminar introduces the most important concepts and methods used in scientific work. Principles of writing scientific texts will be introduced, in particular the creation of bachelor and master theses.
- The proseminar will give an introduction to the LaTeX typesetting system, so that the participants can learn how to use it to create profession scientific works.
- Finally, a short introduction to giving high quality scientific presentation will be given.
Recommended Literature
Harald Zankl
How to Write a Thesis,
Notiz, 2010
Ian Parberry
A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science,
SIGACT News, 20(4):9299, 1989
Alan J. Smith
The task of the referee
IEEE Computer, 23(4):6571, 1990
Graham Cormode
How NOT to review a paper: The tools and techniques of the adversarial reviewer
SIGMOD Record, 37(4), 2008