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Discrete Structures

bachelor program

VO1 + PS1  WS 2023/2024  703069 + 703070


The course offers an introduction into discrete structures. The following themes will be covered in the lectures, and treated in more detail in the proseminars.

Recommended literature

There is a lot of literature on Discrete Mathematics and Discrete Structures. We here only give some pointers to literature that is relatively close, contentwise, to this course. (Note that the exam will be based exclusively on the material as presented in the lecture/on the slides. That is, the literature below is to be seen as supplementary only.)

G. Moser, Diskrete Mathematik, Ein Skriptum zum Vorlesung, 2019. (Course notes in German for a predecessor course; covering in detail almost all content of the present course (and more).)

D. Tonien, A Simple Visual Proof of the Schröder-Bernstein Theorem, Elem. Math. 62 (2007), 118-120.

J.L. Hein, Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2002.

Daniel J. Vellemann, How to Prove It – A Structured Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Additional recommended material

M. Hutchings, Introduction to mathematical arguments