tct-2.0.1: A Complexity Analyser for Term Rewrite Systems

MaintainerMartin Avanzini <>
Safe HaskellNone




This module defines basic interfaces and functionality concerning complexity processors. A parameterised complexity processor, a so called processor instance, constructs from a complexity problem a proof object.



data Answer

The datatype Answer reflects the answer type from the complexity competition.

yesAnswer :: Answer

Abbreviation for 'CertAnswer $ certified (unknown, unknown)'.

Complexity Proofs

certificate :: ComplexityProof p => p -> Certificate

returns the Certificate associated with the proof.

succeeded :: ComplexityProof p => p -> Bool

The predicate succeeded p holds iff answer p is of shape CertAnswer _.

failed :: ComplexityProof p => p -> Bool

Negation of succeeded.

isTimeout :: ComplexityProof p => p -> Bool

The predicate isTimeout p holds iff answer p is of shape TimeoutAnswer _.

data Proof proc

Objects of type 'Proof proc' correspond to a proof node, collecting the applied processor, the input problem and the proof constructed by the processor




Partial Proofs

data SelectorExpression

Defines a notion of selected rules, specified as monotone Boolean Formula. SelectorExpressions are used for instance in solvePartial to determine which rules should be oriented by a processor.

data PartialProof proof

Objects of type 'ProofPartial proc' correspond to a proof node obtained by solvePartial.




ppInputProblem :: Problem

The input problem

ppResult :: proof

The proof of the applied processor. answer proof must reflect number of applications from rules in ppRemovableDPs and ppRemovableTrs with respect to derivations of the input problem.

ppRemovableDPs :: [Rule]

Dependency pair rules that whose complexity has been estimated by the applied processor.

ppRemovableTrs :: [Rule]

Rules that whose complexity has been estimated by the applied processor.


Returned if the processor does not support solvePartial


ppInputProblem :: Problem

The input problem


progressed :: PartialProof proof -> Bool

Returns true iff ppRemovableTrs or ppRemovableDPs is not empty.

Complexity Processors

class ComplexityProof (ProofOf proc) => Processor proc where

A processor p is an object whose instances 'InstanceOf p' are equipped with a solving method, translating a complexity problem into a proof object of type 'ProofOf proc'.

Associated Types

data InstanceOf proc

The instance of the processor.

type ProofOf proc

The proof type of the processor.


name :: proc -> String

Each processor is supposed to have a unique name.

instanceName :: InstanceOf proc -> String

Each instance of the processor should have a name, used in proof output.

processorToXml :: InstanceOf proc -> XmlContent

solve_ :: SolverM m => InstanceOf proc -> Problem -> m (ProofOf proc)

The solve method. Given an instance and a problem, it constructs a proof object. This method should not be called directly, instead the method solve from the class SolverM should be called.

solvePartial_ :: SolverM m => InstanceOf proc -> SelectorExpression -> Problem -> m (PartialProof (ProofOf proc))

Similar to solve_, but constructs a PartialProof. At least all rules in the additional paramter of type SelectorExpression should be removed. Per default, this method returns PartialInapplicable.


apply :: (SolverM m, Processor proc) => InstanceOf proc -> Problem -> m (Proof proc)

Similar to solve but wraps the result into a Proof object.

class Processor a => ParsableProcessor a where

Parsable processors provide additional information for parsing.

Existentially Quantified Processors, Instances and Proofs

data SomeInstance

Existential quantification of Processor p => InstanceOf p.


forall p . Processor p => SomeInstance (InstanceOf p) 

data SomeProof

Existential quantification of ComplexityProof.


forall p . ComplexityProof p => SomeProof p 

someProof :: ComplexityProof p => p -> SomeProof

Constructor for SomeProof

someProofNode :: Processor p => InstanceOf p -> Problem -> ProofOf p -> Proof SomeProcessor

Constructor for a proof node of SomeProcessor

solveBy :: (Processor a, SolverM m) => Problem -> InstanceOf a -> m SomeProof

Same as solve but wraps the resulting proof into SomeProof.

Any Processor

data AnyProcessor

AnyProcessor implements a choice of processors, i.e., a list of processors. AnyProcessors are mainly used for parsing. The InstanceOf an any procesessor is an instance of one of its elements.

toProcessorList :: AnyProcessor -> [SomeProcessor]

Extract the list of processors from an AnyProcessor.

fromProcessorList :: [SomeProcessor] -> AnyProcessor

Construct an AnyProcessor from a list of processors.

The Solver Monad

class MonadIO m => SolverM m where

The interface for a solver monad, i.e., the monad under within an instance of a processor tries to solve the complexity problem. Minimal definition is: runSolver, mkIO and satSolver.

Associated Types

type St m

some state


runSolver :: St m -> m a -> IO a

construct an IO monad from a solver monad, when given initial state

mkIO :: m a -> m (IO a)

construct a IO monad from the given solver monad. This is require mainly for concurrent execution

satSolver :: m SatSolver

return the SatSolver

solve :: Processor proc => InstanceOf proc -> Problem -> m (ProofOf proc)

This method can be used to wrap method solve_ from Processor

solvePartial :: Processor proc => InstanceOf proc -> SelectorExpression -> Problem -> m (PartialProof (ProofOf proc))

This method can be used to wrap method solvePartial_ from Processor


SolverM StdSolverM

Standard Implementation for solver monad

SolverM m => SolverM (LoggingSolverM m) 

data SatSolver

Representation of a SAT-solver. Currently, only minisat (cf. is supported.


MiniSat FilePath