tct-2.0.1: A Complexity Analyser for Term Rewrite Systems

MaintainerMartin Avanzini <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




This module gives the infrastructure for transformation processors. Transformation processors transform an input problem into zero or more subproblems, reflecting the complexity of the input problem. Transformations abort if the input problem cannot be simplified. Use try to continue with the input problem.


Using Transformations

Lifting to Processors

(>>|) :: (Processor sub, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf sub -> TransformationInstance t sub

The processor t >>| p first applies the transformation t. If this succeeds, the processor p is applied on the resulting subproblems. Otherwise t >>| p fails.

(>>||) :: (Processor sub, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf sub -> TransformationInstance t sub

Like >>| but resulting subproblems are solved in parallel by the given processor.

Defining new Transformations

In order to define a new transformation, define an instance of Transformer and TransformationProof. Use withArgs for providing an instance constructor, compare Tct.instances. Use transformationProcessor to lift the defined transformation to a processor.

class (Arguments (ArgumentsOf t), TransformationProof t) => Transformer t where

The main class a transformation implements.

Associated Types

type ArgumentsOf t

Arguments of the transformation, cf. Tct.Processor.Args.

type ProofOf t

Proof type of the transformation.


name :: t -> String

Unique name.

description :: t -> [String]

Description of the transformation.

arguments :: t -> ArgumentsOf t

Description of the arguments, cf. module Tct.Processor.Args.

instanceName :: TheTransformer t -> String

Optional name specific to instances. Defaults to the transformation name.

transform :: SolverM m => TheTransformer t -> Problem -> m (Result t)

This is the main method of a transformation. Given a concrete instance, it translates a complexity problem into a Result.

continue :: TheTransformer t -> Bool

If True, then the processor will pretend that the input problem was simplified, independent on the result of transform. This is used for implementing transformation Try, and should not be defined.

class TransformationProof t where

Every transformer needs to implement this class. Minimal definition: answer and pprintTProof.


answer :: Processor sub => Proof t sub -> Answer

Construct an Answer from the Proof.

tproofToXml :: Transformer t => TheTransformer t -> Problem -> ProofOf t -> (String, [XmlContent])

Construct an Xml-node from a transformation proof. The default implementation wraps the pretty-printed output in a proofdata node

proofToXml :: (Transformer t, Processor sub) => Proof t sub -> XmlContent

pprintTProof :: TheTransformer t -> Problem -> ProofOf t -> PPMode -> Doc

Pretty print the transformation proof.

pprintProof :: (Transformer t, Processor sub) => Proof t sub -> PPMode -> Doc

Pretty printer of the Proof. A default implementation is given.

normalisedProof :: (Transformer t, Processor sub) => Proof t sub -> Proof SomeTransformation SomeProcessor

withArgs :: Transformer t => Transformation t sub -> Domains (ArgumentsOf t) -> TheTransformer t

Constructor for instances.

modifyArguments :: Transformer t => (Domains (ArgumentsOf t) -> Domains (ArgumentsOf t)) -> TheTransformer t -> TheTransformer t

Modify parameters of instance

transformationProcessor :: (Arguments (ArgumentsOf t), ParsableArguments (ArgumentsOf t), Transformer t) => t -> StdProcessor (Transformation t sub)

Lifts transformations to standard processors.

Transformation Result

data Result t

Result type for a transformation.


NoProgress (ProofOf t)

The transformation did not simplify the problem.

Progress (ProofOf t) (Enumeration Problem)

The transformation resulted in the given subproblems.

mapResult :: (ProofOf t1 -> ProofOf t2) -> Result t1 -> Result t2

Transformation Proof

data Proof t sub

This is the proof of a transformation lifted to a processor.




transformationResult :: Result t

The Result generated by the transformation

inputProblem :: Problem

The input problem

appliedTransformer :: TheTransformer t

The instance of the applied transformation

appliedSubprocessor :: InstanceOf sub

The instance of the applied subprocessor

subProofs :: Enumeration (Proof sub)

An enumeration of the subproofs


findProof :: Numbering a => a -> Proof t sub -> Maybe (Proof sub)

answerFromSubProof :: Processor sub => Proof t sub -> Answer

If the proof contains exactly one subproblem, return the computed certificate of this problem. Otherwise, return MaybeAnswer.

Existential Quantification

data SomeTransProof


forall t . (Transformer t, TransformationProof t) => SomeTransProof (TheTransformer t) (ProofOf t) 

Subsumed Processor

The following utilities are used only internally.

liftMS :: Maybe Problem -> Proof proc -> Proof (Subsumed proc)

mkSubsumed :: InstanceOf proc -> InstanceOf (Subsumed proc)


thenApply :: (Processor sub, Transformer t) => TheTransformer t -> InstanceOf sub -> TransformationInstance t sub