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Fortgeschrittene Funktionale Programmierung


VU3  WS 2024/2025  703139

Slides and Haskell-Sources

Woche Datum Themen Folien Quelltext
01 01.10 Organisation and Introduction, Strict- and Lazy-Evaluation pdf (x4) .tgz
02 08.10 Types and Type-Inference
03 15.10 TBA
04 22.10 TBA
05 29.10 TBA
06 05.11 TBA
07 12.11 TBA
08 19.11 TBA
09 26.11 TBA
10 03.12 TBA
11 10.12 TBA
12 07.01 TBA
13 14.01 TBA
14 21.01 Q & A
15 06.02 1st exam