Woche |
Datum |
Themen |
Folien |
Quelltext |
01 |
01.10 |
Organisation and Introduction, Strict- and Lazy-Evaluation |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
02 |
08.10 |
Type-Checking and Type-Inference |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
03 |
15.10 |
Type-Inference in Haskell, Kinds and Explicit Foralls |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
04 |
22.10 |
Functor, Record Syntax, Case Study: A Simple Parser |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
05 |
29.10 |
Monads in General, State Monads |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
06 |
05.11 |
Evaluation of Monadic Code, Example: Tseitin, Error Monads |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
07 |
12.11 |
Parsing in General, Parsec |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
08 |
19.11 |
Backtracking during Parsing, Applicative Functors, Monad Transformers |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
09 |
26.11 |
System Programming, Exceptions |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
10 |
03.12 |
Introduction to Parallelism and Concurrency |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
11 |
10.12 |
Concurrent Channels, Asynchronous Actions, Cancellations and Timeouts |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
12 |
07.01 |
Profiling, Efficient Data Structures |
pdf (x4) |
.tgz |
13 |
14.01 |
Q & A |
14 |
06.02 |
1st exam |